Worse than SOPA: New bill CISPA could even shut Wikileaks | Firstpost

Worse than SOPA: New bill CISPA could even shut Wikileaks | Firstpost.

I don’t even know what to say about this.


Curious: So, why hasn’t there been a huge fuss about this yet?  MAKE ONE.

Meteorological: Sorry, I have allergies.  When there’s just all these private words floating  in the air for authorities to see, it makes my eyes water.

Current: Right on cue, and in accordance with popular trends, the government has decided to don its Capitol of Districts 1-12 Hat.

Paranoid: “Of course this happens right after I start blogging.”

Literary: “Something is rotten in the state of Denying Privacy.”

If you have a Something Better (http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/88q3/323.12.html) to suggest, please do.