Puppets, Project Runway, and Pictures

This is the part where summer has gone crazy!  During my vacation travels I met a variety of characters, from Queen Elizabeth I: to the Mad Hatter.  I also got to meet many of Jim Hensen’s creations!  Most of them could not be photographed, such as Ernie, Big Bird, Red and Mokey Fraggle, Rowlph the dog, Dr. Teeth ( I saw my reflection in his gold tooth!), Sir Didymous from “Labyrinth”, and the Swedish Chef.  Some, however, were free of that rule!    They all live together, for the moment, at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta (http://www.puppet.org/).

When I returned home things seemed normal again, but now I find myself entertaining thoughts like:

1. It’s almost 2 in the morning.  Time to do laundry!

2. There is a raccoon charging down the sidewalk, straight at me.  What do I do in this situation!?

3. Mondo, the winner of Project Runway All Stars, is clearly the Rumpelstiltskin of the fashion world.  Only, in his version of the story, he was forced to feel that if he kept spinning straw materials into golden garments, he would have to revert to being emotionally, a baby.  Then, when they called his name at the end, as the winner of Project Runway All Stars, the prize rejuvenated him back into being an emotionally-adjusted man.  I find this an interesting take on the tale, actually.  A lot of things make more sense when the imp’s spinning has more to do with his own issues instead of the pitiful gold trinkets, or the distress of a random stranger.  The thought of the baby being an aspect of Rumpelstiltskin that needs to be found or done away with makes me like that story better.  Huh.

Recent Revelations concerning Death, Life, and Location

Things I’ve learned the past week:


1. There are many reasons why a skeleton would wear sunglasses.

-To aid scientists develop a way to determine a skeleton’s age due entirely to bone bleaching when compared to the dark circles around the eyes where the sunglasses kept sunlight from whitening the bone.  Hence, how long the skeleton’s ‘slept’ will be apparent from the dark circles around their eyes.  Yet one more way that death is opposite from life.

-Being far more naked than the rest of us, skeletons may be prone to utilizing any and all accessories they can grab.

-Even the dead have a right to fashion sense.

(Discovered due to a parasail ride with turtlephoenix.wordpress.com and a parachute showing a jolly roger in what appeared to be sunglasses.)


2. Holding a newborn with hiccups is like holding a reverse squeaky toy.  They sound the same and are comparable in size, but while you contract the toy to make it squeak, the hiccuping newborn expands with each noise.


3. There is an island in Michigan (Mackinac Island) which only has one mall strip without a fudge shop in the whole place. (Yum!)

Vacation duck

A limerick from my vacation!:

I went to the beach before food

Where I’m afraid I was terribly rude

To a duck named Quimby.

Then I let him be

Since he quacked he was not in the mood.

*anecdote is true

**duck name provided by me

***duck name approved by turtlephoenix.wordpress.com

****we take no responsibility for any misinterpretation of proper duck names, poultry quacks, or bird moods.

Things that would be better in Narnia:

Things that would be better in Narnia #1. (And a haiku for my morning):

I just saw a mouse.

I’ll call him Sir Reepicheep.

My trip is well-timed.

“Life by Map”

I’ll make the map.

-Look, I am here

With the world all around

Etched far, drawn near.

-But what compass can point to my quest?


I found the road.

-It’s small, but neat

With the right sort of winding,

And straightness on the sheet.

-If I start there I’ll find somewhere to rest.


If I take this step,

-Of setting up and out,

Then decision’s over

I’ll be stuck on just one route.

-Switching paths is ‘lost’ in the forest.


I thought I did go journey

-I got here somehow, right?

I can see the signposts now,

I must have traveled all night.

-So why does that travel seem guessed?


I don’t see where I’ve been.

-Why isn’t it on the map?

I could swear I’ve done something,

Gone somewhere, at least on a lap.

-Why doesn’t this key show those tests?


I’m trying to take a journey

-I’m sure that there’s a way.

I’ve got maps and courage,

There’s no reason for me to stay.

-But everywhere I go the roads are just pests!


I’ve seen some scenes

-both lovely and grim.

I’ve lived with different people,

Have seen the ocean’s rim.

-Why am I still starting, a novice at best?


I feel I’ve seen that map

-before, and it is strange.

I think it looked different

Was there a mountain range?

-Perhaps I traveled far to here, the map won’t divest.


I’ve got my map

-though it doesn’t seem to guide.

It doesn’t get me anywhere,

Or remember where I tide.

-How can I end my ramble without knowing where I’m best?


I’m looking at a map

-but I can’t see where I go.

If it won’t tell me what I’ve done

What’s left for me to know?

-If I must begin again, I have just one request.


May I put away this map?

-Stop searching for my track?

If my feet could just ramble forth

They might find what I lack.

-Or it could be just a step, or detour, on my quest.